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Pregnancy Timeline: Week 5

Pregnancy Timeline: Week 5

woman in the early stages of pregnancy

You may or may not be noticing changes in your body at this point. Early changes for pregnancy include breast tenderness or you may be feeling a bit nauseated during the day or evening. Keep eating right and exercising.

If you are still smoking or drinking — STOP! Your baby will have the best chance for perfect health if you cut out these “unnatural” elements.

Pregnancy Timeline

Morning Sickness

(some women experience afternoon and evening sickness too), can be alleviated by eating small amounts of food every 2 to 3 hours, avoiding greasy or fried foods, avoiding spicy foods, sitting upright for 10 to 20 minutes after eating to avoid heartburn and gastric reflux, and eating dry bread or crackers before you go to be at night and as soon as you get up in the morning. Don’t expose your unborn child to herbal or over-the-counter remedies without checking with your doctor first. Occasional antacid use is okay.

As for your baby, a plate that will later become the heart has developed. The brain and spinal cord, as well as muscle and bone formation are taking place. The baby’s skeleton is also starting to form.

You should avoid environmental pollutants as much as possible. Lead, mercury, PCBs, and pesticides are the most important to avoid. Lead exposure can come from many sources including water pipes (invest in a water filter!), construction materials, paints and dyes. Mercury is found in fish that have been contaminated. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are mixtures of several (approximately 209) compounds. They are found in varying degrees in most fish, birds, and even humans. Pregnant women should limit their intake of fish to avoid exposure to mercury and PCBs. Pesticides that cause the most concern are: DDT, chlordane, heptachlor, and lindane.