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ThermiVA For Post Pregnancy

ThermiVA For Post Pregnancy

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Vaginal Tightening After Giving Birth

Women’s bodies go through one of the greatest transformations during pregnancy and delivery. Almost everything changes both physically and emotionally. Women have to go through watching their hips widen, feet grow larger, getting bigger breasts, and having stretched skin.

During vaginal birth, some women have a more difficult delivery based off of the size of the baby.  This can cause the vagina to feel “loose”, have less laxity in the vaginal canal, and the labia majora postpartum. Most women think that the only option to correct this issue is through surgical procedures. However, there are other non-surgical options to explore.

Women who are post-pregnancy are some of the best candidates for vaginal rejuvenation with ThermiVA. ThermiVA increases the elasticity of the skin and muscles after childbirth using radiofrequency energy to gently heat tissue. This targeted heat tightens and restores the entire feminine area.

ThermiVa also helps with other post-pregnancy issues like urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence after pregnancy is very common and mostly happens during coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercising.  Although this is a personal issue, women have found an outlet to express their inconstancy and vaginal issues on realself.com to share real, relatable stories to why ThermiVA worked for them.

Cindy, from the ThermiVA Start the Conversation, video explains, “After my first child, I realized that things were different. I had a difficult delivery and had two surgeries post child. I thought that was the way it was going to be. I found out about ThermiVA through a group of friends and now I feel so empowered, excited and youthful.”

ThermiVa uses a special wand applicator which may be applied externally to the labia and vulvar tissues to restore normal tissue tone and function. The specially-designed hand piece may also deliver radiofrequency energy inside the vagina to revive atrophic tissue and other structures.

We at Walnut Hill want to help guide our patients through each stage of pregnancy, including post pregnancy. Every woman should feel confident after pregnancy. Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more from our experienced and dedicated OBGYN physicians and staff.