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Dr. Lauren Murray Helps Marr Family Deliver Identical Quadruplets During COVID-19

Dr. Lauren Murray Helps Marr Family Deliver Identical Quadruplets During COVID-19

the marr quadruplets

Miracles are still abundant, even during the COVID-19 pandemic! TODAY recently featured Walnut Hill OBGYN Dr. Lauren Murray, who helped deliver four healthy, identical quadruplets to parents Jenny and Chris Marr on March 15.

“The first-time parents were in ‘utter shock’ that they were expecting identical, spontaneous quadruplets. It’s so rare that it’s hard for doctors to know how often it has occurred,” according to the article from TODAY. “Murray and her colleagues estimate that identical, spontaneous quadruplet births occur in 1 in 11 million or 1 in 15 million births. They found a mere 72 cases of it in published literature.”

When Jenny went into early labor at 28.5 weeks, she was worried about how COVID-19 would affect the delivery. However, the quadruplets were born via a successful cesarean section and were named Harrison, Hardy, Henry, and Hudson.

The babies needed oxygen and all four stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit for about 10 weeks. But, the new family of six was able to return home in early May.

Read the full story about Dr. Murray and the Marrs’ miracle birth.